BrazAfric Created 22 years ago to link the Brazilian agripreneur to their East African counterpart. Today specialized in leading technologies and machinery / equipment for the agribusiness sector as well as value addition services and food security expertise.

BrazAgro A one-stop-shop for farmers of any scale, supplying premium quality soil preparation, planting, spraying and harvesting equipment.
CAMPO Global management and consultancy leaders in medium - large scale, sustainable, tropical agribusiness modeling. CAMPO was created by the Brazilian and Japanese governments in the late 70’s to transform the idle and unproductive lands of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) into one of Brazil’sl bread baskets of Brazil.
Inspired by the principles of permaculture, Barefoot Soulutions focus on resilient designs and technologies that are ecologically sound and financially viable.
Plantech Kenya Ltd (2014) is a seedling nursery located in Naivasha, Kenya. They propagate seedlings of vegetables, herbs, cut flowers and trees, for growers of all sizes, and throughout all of Kenya. They are the only fully automated propagation set up in all of Sub -Saharan Africa.